
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"OUR" Dying Earth

Does our environmentalist know that the catalyst of all pollutions and damages inflicted on this Earth was sparked by population and demands(perhaps Greed is better term)? I think, Yes they did know about this ...

Why plant more greens and use less plastics instead of population control?

Why developers clearing out more lands and planters using more chemical on crops? Tackling massive demands?

How many chicken needs to be slaughter a day in worldwide scale? Can producers meet the market demand? Will they pump in more steroids or genetically modify those pathetic live stocks? Will it contribute to your health risk? Blame who?

Is it for the sake of our consumers demand? Ask ourselves(also the environmentalist) this honest question - will you not start your own family for the Earth(environment) sake? Will you not adding more figure to the worldwide population?
How fast will our population figure grow within the next 10 years?
Just imagine, after many generations, after many great wars and natural disasters; is human population decreasing? You bet~! NO

* another point -
While the world's population tripled in the 20th century, the use of renewable water resources has grown six-fold. Within the next fifty years, the world population will increase by another 40 to 50 %. This population growth - coupled with industrialization and urbanization - will result in an increasing demand for water and will have serious consequences on the environment.

So, what if God's population control plan is justify? ... such like great natural disasters??? Still, we human will grow rapidly in numbers...

The world now had live in peace(most parts), medical advancement had improved and human are multiplying fast. Strange but true, everybody did thinks of "...i wish this world will end soon..." when they were mad or depressed for a moment at least once in their life time.

Green peace ya? Recycle ya? ... Pls look hardly on ourselves - your watch, your shirt, your hair wax/gel, shoe ...d list goes on. Now you see how much resources will be needed on one single human. It beats all your hard efforts of green peace...

population control ... but how....????

Believe me -   9,999/10,000 will not talk about green peace or save the earth when comes to making a baby or to start up a family.

What if the world end on 2012 or before? That would be my another post then....


Tekkaus said...

So we should get rid of...ourselves in order to save planet earth right? :p

Uncle Jo. said...

@ Tekkaus >

i think is best to get rid of our illegal Indons(millions of them) and other illegal immigrants 1st. what the fuck with them??? no money buy condoms but still wants to fuck and increase population...

KL crime increased ...partly was because of them..

Ken Wooi said...

this are getting nasty on earth nowadays =)

Ihsan Khairir said...

We need to hop on the NCC 1701 and boldly go inhabit another planet.

junsern said...

I have to say this is true. We are consuming the planet faster than we can protect them. Well like u said... natural disasters are just mother nature's way to bring back the balance. Well... if things go out of control... we will just go into apocalypse. the earth is not in danger... humans are only. so its more like save the human race rather than save the earth....

Uncle Jo. said...

@ Kenwooi >
I felt pity on the coming generation with birthdate starting from 2010 ...
by the time they reach 20+ i really have no idea how the earth looks like...

@ Ihsan Khairir >
i might wish God to pick us up instead of UFO or United Nation's secret mothership to pick us up(they will only pick up VVIPs)

@ Junsern >
very true too... human will die out 1st ...and slowly the earth will take a ten thousand years to restart the system again(totally heal)

tranquility said...

Earth Day is just a hoax :-P

Uncle Jo. said...

@ Karen >

ya, it was use to make people feels better ... LOL~

Jennifer Chai said...

That's why we should go vegetarian or better we go Vegan


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