
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

this DoughNut HOLE ...suCKs~!

Well.... I'm not a big fans of any ROUND DOUGH with HOLE
in the center..
but sometime we just crave for the urge sake~~~


mmmmm ... I had tried Big Apple's ... J'Co's  doughnuts
those taste were really driving me NUTs with its well blend flavors  ^^"
.but this one ahhhh~

I won't be saying much on it's service since it was fine
unless those very teruk one(nasty bad)..
SHIT~!   how come no one ask for discount here ahhh???
i still remember those dudes who always ask for discount even nagging the bloody
15mins out for just RM2.00

oH~ nvm ... just cut the crap and get a Half-Dozen of it~
and with a Pink Guava drink...
MAHAI~!  FML d lahhh~ how much it cost ahhh~???

*weiiii~  J' Co n Big Apple's were cheaper lehhh~
oK fine, I don't mind paying for the premium but the taste of it
was just unable to justify it's value~
environment? no I don't pay for that.. since J' Co had the same environment too...
service? they were the same ....

it looks OK ... Ok only ahhh .. nothing more or less
*just doughnuts only mahhh~


the 1st one we tasted was the Peanut Butter
the BEST among our choice
Peanut taste was nice

the ORIGINAL  just taste Ordinary nothing special though..
damn...  outside Malay stall can get RM0.40 deal  even though in smaller size than this

this VANILLA CAKE was way too sweet for our tooth ..
Sammi:  how come it taste like that one??? Big Apple's better lehhh~

the ALMOND ALL OVER was no way to beat competitors one
the taste of ommmphhh~ wasn't there
DAMN ~! the flavor of it does not worth RM2.80~!

* we were getting more and more irritated when biting all our way through...
now there was only 2 left and we need a break ...


the place was almost identical design with the StarBucks Coffee
well, pleasant and clean~

bring SOME home today?  NAhhhh~! no way dude~

WTF~ ~

i better off to snap my Sammi~


oK, lets get back to our SUGAR DOUGH again but these 2 were with NO HOLE kakaka~
this CAPPUCINO FRANCE was another one which covered with a damn THICk SUGAR coating, the filling inside was sour sweet...

is this Krispy Kreme spreading us the DIABETIC SPELL???  shit no way~


now do you consider those LOW SUGAR???
it was far SWEETER than those Big Apple and J'Co...
the ~THE WORST taste doughnut - NY CHEESE CAKE
damn~!!! it was not only SWEET but with some odd fragrance in it...
have you eat something which is too sweet that it sends chill to YOUR SPINE?
this one did it~!

honey~ lets move out...
we will never take this Krispy Kreme anymore in future...
damn... it has marred those DOUGH NUTs reputation of yummy and affordable~
MCB (chinese swears).....#@$%!@@#

...and don't forget it's DOUGH NUTs HOLE  ...



dano said...

i always wanted to try krispy kremes cos they dont have it in singapore!

Ken Wooi said...

i love their original glazed =)

Wil C said...

"damn... outside Malay stall can get RM0.40 deal even though in smaller size than this" friend said the exact thing! :P krispy Kreme,dun eat too much.. otherwise it'll be too sweet and also,it burns a hole in the wallet..haha

Kelvin said...

krispy kremes is never low sugar!

Uncle Jo. said...

Dano> ...hahaha try try... then you wil know their sweetness can kick balls ;p

Kenwooi> ya~ original glazed was fine ...but RM2.80 was a bit pain to my S lehhh~ T__T

WillyC> u my man lahhh~ jom let's pergi Big Apple kakaka~

Kelvin> now I know if they opens one in India or Taiwan ...sure successful lah ...i bet u know y

Ken said...

They keep worshiping Krispy Kremes, especially when it was firstly opened. I wonder why...

Before this, I want to try it so badly.
But after reading ur review, don't feel like eating it 'that' badly. Haha...

Thanks for being honest! =P

Uncle Jo. said...

Ken> I love to tell truth even by cracking some hard nuts(DoughNUTs) kakaka~

ya.. i also wonder why they were willing to queue that damn bloody long during their Grand opening..
Geeeee... mayb they were SUGAR deprived~! and crave for that sweet lovely hole kakaka

debb.k said...

i find it too sweet though i do love them... hehe.. anyway, blog walking.. do support ya =)


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