
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Very Nice Flash Game - Easy but VIOLENT~!!!

.this game was simple and coOL
don't let it's simple look lets you down ya~

The game can be PLAY in OFFLINE MODE as well~   ^__^

this game was fun, adventurous and filthy violence
So, how VIOLENT can it gets???
well ....

- it chops off HEADS like ZOMBIELAND
- it Kick S like YOU did  kakaka
- finishing Ultimate Kill Skill like Mortal Combats
- slash eyes and all BLOOD gush out like great oRGasms~
- chop limbs ... and many coOL moves ..

it has some nice opening of story  XD

don't worry, it also has some extensive HELP - teaching you how to kick BUTTs

the best is to learn while playing this game, it has Tutorial from the beginning of its journey...
or learn from the site ya~
this one shows swords in grid lock ..woW~ it will ZOOMs IN

blood shed ...
...and more blood shed in later parts..

ONE of the many BOSSes(usually HUGE)~!!!

oK here, is how to Download it..
1st go to the website
...and type in 'Barbarian' as below shown..

follow n click as below 

another click as below..but you may see the preview in its page before proceed clicking

so, you will be directed to the download site as below
click it

you see just mah~
now download it to your Desktop as below
...pssst ...nice wallpaper? I snapped it from Langkawi trip leh  kakaka~

extract it by Right Click


.almost there
just one more click
ya... CLICK on it~!!!

ENJOY d game~
the background sound n mood was great lehhh~



Huei Ying said...

HAHA bloody games :)

Nanged you weee~

Uncle Jo. said...

thanks for d Nang ya~

Hope u would love kick some S with that when u got pissed by someone ;p

chill out~

Josh said...

Ah, too bad I m in the office now can't reall play the game. XP

Uncle Jo. said...

Josh> kakaka~ better don't, since it's sound effect also very loud ;p


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