
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Rape and Masacre in Indonesia???

I came across this article:

Accounts of Gang Rape of Chinese Women Emerge from Jakarta Riots
Andreas Harsono
American Reporter Correspondent
Jakarta, Indonesia
JAKARTA – Gruesome tales of brutal sexual and racist violence in
Indonesia have slowly begun to emerge here as social workers and human
rights advocates learn more of an organized campaign of assaults, gang
rapes and killings of ethnic Chinese women during three days of rioting in
Jakarta last month.
Indonesian media only reported the violence – initially only rumored on the
Internet and among the small Chinese community in Jakarta – after scores
of social workers, feminists and Chinese figures had announced the setting
up of a crisis center to help the victims.
“Tell me, what kind of human beings are evil enough to rape a 12-year-old
girl in front of her helpless parents?” asked Ita F. Nadia, the chairwoman of
Kalyanamitra, a women's group which opened a telephone hotline for the
“They're incredibly cruel and brutal,” said Nadia.
The establishment of the center, named the Solidaritas Nusa Bangsa or the
Solidarity of the Nation State, was announced in a meeting on June 5 in
Jakarta, during which Catholic priest Sandyawan Sumardi estimated that
dozens of Chinese women had died or committed suicide because of the
violence on May 14-16.
Sandyawan, who is known because of his work among Jakarta's underclass
and has organized an investigation into the attack, said that the
anti-Chinese attack had shown .... for more pls read HERE

(to enlarge the photo - press CTRL button and + button)

They wreck havoc in their country and now here...

All has its karma ... but this was a bit too much...
Some Chinese in Indonesia was no any better being when the rich and powerful became tyrant and had push public into poverty and corrupt the government to gain good control on economy ground.

Many Chinese business community were shrew and unethical. Hence, it had created a big gap of social difference between the Chinese ethnic and the Indon. This social imbalance later gone manifest into unrest. It was a revolt and piling hatred among Indonesia local that summon such a catastrophic event onto Chinese ethnic.

Malaysia here also had reported many robberies which was committed by them. Why this happens?
Hahaha... look, just imagine ahhhh. That you wanted to look for a new start else where into a foreign country, there you go work as hard as possible even though the pay is dirt cheap. You just wanted to live on. Hell, the boss delay your pay ... for 2 months and keep telling stupid none sense excuses. Worst came in when you had tighten your belt, you were a bit sick, force to work ....and ... now the boss ran away and he just called the cops to bust up you guys~!!!

So ... they go around and vent their anger and vengeance!!!

For further details pls refer here - Rusuhan Mei Indonesia1998

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